Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Module 5Being gentle with yourself Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Mindfulness Some helpful hints to get you started At its simplest level Video Reflection activity Mindfulness and developing increased self-care. Let's do some mindfulness practice! Take a break with the taking in the good practice Pause and think Jumbled sentences activity Mindfulness on the go Practising kindness to others / Thank you notes Bringing more mindfulness into your day Next steps Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Mindfulness on the go
Mindfulness on the go

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Whenever you need some mindfulness, try this short 2 minute practice. On the go mindfulness.

Mindfulness for sleep & rest

You can use this practice as often as you like when you take a rest, a short nap or wanting to get to sleep or even just clear your mind for a short while.

Use this practice whenever you are taking a rest lying down or if you're having difficulty sleeping.

  • Just lying down with eyes closed if that's a safe and comfortable to do so for you.Just drop into the movement of your breath in your belly.Inviting you to notice gently the movement of your belly rising and falling with each breath.
  • Just pause and notice that for a good while.
  • Each time your mind wanders, you know what to do. Just notice each thought and then allow it to leave (or ask it to leave you in peace whilst you do this practice).
  • Bring your attention to the movement of your belly in and out, nice and slow.
  • If you wish, bring one hand and rest it on your belly wherever is comfortable for you.
  • Just observe the rise and fall of your hand, as you breathe in and out slowly and gently. Rest there and observe that movement for as long as you're able to.
  • Inviting you to take some further deep breaths throughout this practice which will help your body further relax and unwind.
  • Continue to practise your deep breathing as long as it is comfortable for you to do so.
  • Continue several rounds of this practice if you're struggling to sleep or rest and see if this assists you*.
*Please note. This practice does not replace medical advice or direction from your therapist, doctors or clinicians. Please also consult them if you are having ongoing sleep issues/disruption.


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