Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Module 5Being gentle with yourself Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Mindfulness Some helpful hints to get you started At its simplest level Video Reflection activity Mindfulness and developing increased self-care. Let's do some mindfulness practice! Take a break with the taking in the good practice Pause and think Jumbled sentences activity Mindfulness on the go Practising kindness to others / Thank you notes Bringing more mindfulness into your day Next steps Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Bringing more mindfulness into your day
Bringing more mindfulness into your day

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Well done on your practice so far. Here are some of our other suggestions of how to bring more mindfulness into your day.

Take a mindful shower

Pay attention to the sound of the water as you shower yourself. Listen to the running water sound for the duration of your shower. Smell the fragrance of your body soap/shampoo/conditioner. Feel the texture of the water and then the soap against your body. Focus on the temperature of the water against your body. All the time, pay attention to your senses as you shower. This can be a really lovely exercise to do each day. Enjoy this, take your time, focus in on sounds, smells and sensations as you do this.

Mindfully brush your teeth

Focus as you brush your teeth, just on the sound of the brush against your teeth. Brush slowly and gently and just pay attention to the sounds of the brush against your teeth. Notice the taste and the fragrance of the toothpaste in your mouth. Brush gently, treat each tooth with care and attention, rather than rushing. Listen to the sound of water as you turn on and off the tap between brushes. Feel the temperature of the water as you hold it in your mouth, and then the sound as you spit the water out. Take your time doing this practice, it can be really enjoyable.

Mindful washing up

Focus as you put the dirty dishes into the sink. Listen to the sound of the plates/dishes and knives and forks etc. as you put them into the sink. Listen and focus on the sound of the water as it runs into the sink. Notice the temperature and feel the sensations of the water temperature on your hands. Notice the colour of the dish soap. Can you smell the fragrance from the dish washing up liquid? Scrub the dishes, slowly and gently. Feel the texture of the plates, cups and bowls. What can you notice? Take your time and enjoy all the sensations we can get from simply washing the dishes mindfully! Who would have known?

Mindful waiting

Got to wait for something or someone or for an appointment? Use the time as you wait, to do your mindfulness practice. Just drop into focusing on sounds, closing your eyes if safe and comfortable to do so. Take some nice deep breaths out. Notice the sounds around you. Notice the air moving around you (or not). Feel wherever your body is making contact with whatever you are sitting/lying or standing on. Repeat this cycle of noticing for as long as you feel comfortable to do so. Waiting for the pedestrian signal to change will never be the same again!

Don't forget the mindful drinking, the mindful walking and the mindful photography exercises too from previous modules.


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