Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Module 5Being gentle with yourself Mindfulness Some helpful hints to get you started Video Reflection activity Mindfulness and its effects Mindfulness is a journey, not a race Let's do some mindfulness practice! Take a break with the managing your stress waves practice Pause and think Odd one out activity Mindfulness on the go Take a break with the noticing your senses practice Next steps Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Mindfulness on the go
Mindfulness on the go

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Whenever you need some mindfulness, try this short 2 minute practice. On the go mindfulness

Mindful drinking

You can use this practice as often as you like or whenever you:

Start to feel anxious or stressed

Feel like you can't stop the thoughts in your head

When you're feeling overwhelmed

Just need a little bit of 'time out' for yourself

Or want to develop your mindfulness skills

This exercise can be done several times a day.

Try this practise for at least 2 minutes whenever you need a little mindfulness tea/coffee break. You can read or listen to this practise along with your favourite drink.

  • We recommended doing this practice in a safe and non crowded place. A quiet empty room or a quiet place would be perfect place to practice.
  • 1. Get yourself comfortable and with a beverage of your choice whether hot or cold. It can be nice to do this with a cup of tea/ herbal tea, glass of water or even a cappuccino -whatever you choose.
  • 2. First start by staying still and taking 4 -5 deep breaths out, just in your own time.
  • 3. Next -just pick up your drink and just hold it in your hand. Just focus on the weight of the filled cup/glass in your hands -just notice that for a while.
  • 4. Slowly begin to move the cup forward, Just bring the cup to under your nose and see if you smell any aroma or fragrance from the drink at all? If not -that's OK -just sense into smell if that's comfortable for you to do that. Just observe this for 10 seconds or so if you can.
  • 5. Again feeling and sensing into the weight of the cup/glass, just bring the cup/glass up to your face (don't sip/drink just yet!). Using our sense of sight, look at the liquid inside. Notice its colour, notice whether the light shines off the liquid at all to make different colours or shapes. Just notice that for 10 seconds or so.
  • 6. Gently now, bringing the drink up to your lips, take a small sip. What can you taste? How does the liquid feel inside your mouth or swallowing it? Can you notice any sensations of doing that?
  • 7. Next, gently bring your attention back to the weight of the cup/glass -just dropping in and noticing the cup/glass's weight. Hold your attention there for a while please.
  • 8. Now gently taking 4-5 further deeper breaths out -just gently. I invite you to close your eyes if it's safe and comfortable to do so.
  • 9. Inviting you now, to notice the feeling of the texture of the glass/cup. What does it feel like? Is it smooth? Hot, cold? Bobbly glass or smooth porcelain? What can you observe about the texture of your cup/glass?
  • 10. Now inviting you to take 4-5 deep and slow breaths out again. And repeat to taste and swallow your drink again slowly.
  • 11. And inviting you to notice its smell, the glass's texture or temperature again slowly and in turn.
  • 12. Then finally bringing your focus to any sounds in the room around you. Just gently and softly observing any sounds around you.
  • 13. All the while throughout this mindfulness drinking practice, being kind and gentle in your thoughts to yourself.
  • You can use this practice in non-crowded and quiet places to practise some mindfulness whenever you need to throughout your day.
  • The more you practise mindful drinking, the more benefits you may notice over time. It can be a very useful mindfulness exercise to use in our day to create some quiet, calm and some space in our head.
  • Good work and keep practising.


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