Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Module 5Being gentle with yourself Mindfulness Some helpful hints to get you started Video Reflection activity Mindfulness and its effects Mindfulness is a journey, not a race Let's do some mindfulness practice! Take a break with the managing your stress waves practice Pause and think Odd one out activity Mindfulness on the go Take a break with the noticing your senses practice Next steps Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Mindfulness is a journey, not a race.
Mindfulness is a journey, not a race.

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We hope you are enjoying practising mindfulness and finding benefits from your practice.

By now, you'll understand that mindfulness is a gentle and kind practice, which accepts all of our thoughts and feelings (both good and not so good) and our practice simply returns us back each time to noticing the present moment, without judgement.

There's no wrong, there's no right. There's also nothing to aim for, or get wrong, or to strive towards.

Mindfulness is a patient practice, that is best experienced over a period of time. It is considered more like a long journey, than a fast race.

It's a long gentle journey into observing not only the present moment, but also along the way, noticing without judgement, our thoughts running through our mind and our feelings and emotions as they pass through our experience.

It's good to remember that mindfulness is not a quick fix.

Mindfulness is not only about seeking relaxation (though that is welcome when it does show up).

Mindfulness is the gentle and kind observation of the present moment-without us agreeing or disagreeing with it (so no judgement needed at all, no agreeing or disagreeing, liking or disliking of our experience is needed).

It's a bit like mindfulness is a scenic journey, it is not a fast race to a finish line. Just take your time with it, nice, slow and with ease.

Be slow, be kind, be gentle with yourself as you notice the present moment.

Carry (if you can) the lessons of mindfulness with you throughout your day and see if they make a difference.


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