Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Mindfulness Some helpful hints to get you started Video Reflection activity Mindfulness and the effect on our brain Take a break, Notice your senses Take a break with the noticing your se.. Pause and think Mix and Match Quiz Mindfulness on the go Next steps Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Module 5Being gentle with yourself Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Mindfulness and the effect on our brain
Mindfulness and the effect on our brain

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There has been a lot of research into mindfulness, and it shows:

That a regular practice of mindfulness of more than 10 minutes can help to make positive changes to our brains.

These changes include helping keep our brains fit and in good condition.

Also, a regular mindfulness practice helps our brains to continue growing, no matter what age we are.

Also, when we practise mindfulness, there are changes to the chemicals in our brain which generally bring calm and lower stress.

Deep breathing in mindfulness also helps to calm our nervous system and decrease our stress hormone levels.

These positive changes and growth that happen to our brain when we regularly practice mindfulness are called neuroplasticity [new-row-plas-ti-ci-tee].

Mindfulness also interrupts our usual non-stop thinking, busy brains. Mindfulness interrupts our busy thinking patterns and our often negative thought patterns, so we can just focus on other things such as sounds and body sensations. This gives our brains and minds a bit of a rest and a welcome reset.


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