Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Mindfulness Some helpful hints to get you started Video Reflection activity Mindfulness and noticing the highs and taking in the good Mindfulness and noticing the highs and taking in the good, (and not so good) Let's do some mindfulness practice! Take a break with the taking in the good practice Pause and think Mix and match / jumbled pairs activity Mindfulness on the go Next steps Module 5Being gentle with yourself Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Mindfulness on the go
Mindfulness on the go

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Whenever you need some mindfulness, try this short 2 minute practice. On the go mindfulness

The 3B's practice

You can use this practice as often as you like or whenever you:

Start to feel anxious or stressed

Feel like you can't stop the thoughts in your head

When you're feeling overwhelmed

Just need a little bit of 'time out' for yourself

Or want to develop your mindfulness skills

The 3B's practice

Taking a break throughout your day with the three B's (Body, Breathe, Begin) exercise also helps us better notice and observe how we are feeling and what thoughts we are having.

It helps us to 'listen' to what our body and mind are saying. Doing this can also help us make better decisions in our day, as well as decide better actions and choices we want to make.

It also teaches us to be kind, gentle and understanding with ourselves.

Whenever you need some mindfulness, try this short 2 minute practice. On the go mindfulness

Photography Practice

You can use this practice as often as you like and we'd recommend doing it soon after listening to one of the mindfulness audio recordings in this book.

Happy snapping!Happy

During your mindfulness practice you might like to try to do some mindful photography. It's easy, it's fun and can be another useful mindfulness skill to have. Do you want to give it a go?

Capture moments:

After doing some mindfulness practice or after listening to the mindfulness audios in this book, take a photo with your phone to capture what you have noticed/ or perhaps how you felt. Don't judge it - don't think too much -just observe -then capture it with a photo. Perhaps it's a moment of beauty, a bright colour, the clouds in the sky, rain on the window, your sleeping cat, anything at all.

Noticing and then capturing in a photo:

Perhaps after opening your eyes you noticed the beautiful blue sky. Perhaps when you were practising you heard the birds singing in the trees outside? Perhaps a noisy car outside in the street or an aeroplane outside. That's OK, everything is welcome, so take a photo of what is comfortable for you.

Whatever it might be, or whatever has caught your attention, see if you can capture it in a mindfulness photo. Of course, there's no right or wrong answer, just have fun, be slow with your photograph taking, don't judge or overthink - and let your photo taking become a moment of noticing too.

It can be nice to build a gallery of mindfulness photos in your phone (like a visual diary, that reminds you of your mindfulness practice and your moments of being in the present moment).

A gallery of mindful moments:

Later on looking through your gallery of mindfulness moments can also be a moment of mindfulness. As you look through your photos and remember the moments linked to them. Have fun, experiment, be slow and calm and enjoy this practice.

Good luck with your mindful photo taking!


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