Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Introduction Intended audience /Disclaimer How to use this program What is mindfulness? Module outline Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Module 5Being gentle with yourself Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Intended audience /Disclaimer
Intended audience /Disclaimer

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We hope you will find this program of use and the skills included to be of benefit to you and others.

Mindfulness is helpful for many people and there are many, many research studies which show this, and it is generally an extremely safe practice to do.

However, if you are suffering from extreme levels of stress, severe anxiety, depression or any form of mental illness, we would suggest that the practice of mindfulness may not be useful for you at this time (unless prescribed by a medical professional and under their guidance).

We strongly recommend that you first talk to your doctor, therapist, or treatment team to ensure that the practice of mindfulness will be suitable and helpful for you at this time.


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