Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Mindfulness Some helpful hints to get you started Video Reflection activity Mindfulness and its effects Learning about neuroplasticity and mindfulness Let's do some mindfulness practice! Take a break with the dropping in mindfulness practice Pause and think Fill in the gap activity Mindfulness on the go Next steps Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Module 5Being gentle with yourself Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Mindfulness on the go
Mindfulness on the go

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Whenever you need some mindfulness, try this short 2 minute practice. On the go mindfulness

Mindful Walking or Wheeling

You can use this practice as often as you like or whenever you:

Start to feel anxious or stressed

Feel like you can't stop the thoughts in your head

When you're feeling overwhelmed

Just need a little bit of 'time out' for yourself

Or want to develop your mindfulness skills

Try this practice for at least 2 minutes whenever you need a little mindfulness.

The instructions below are for both people on foot or in a wheelchair.

  • We recommended doing this practice in a safe and non crowded place. An empty room or a quiet empty corridor somewhere would be perfect place to practise.
  • 1. Before you walk / wheel in this practice, first start by staying still and taking 4 -5 deep breaths out.

    2. Next -just lower your eyes to the floor and look about 1.5 metres at the floor in front of you (this helps reduce distractions and helps focus your attention better).

    3. Slowly begin to move forward, really slowly -just notice the change from being still to now moving very slowly forward. Notice the muscles in your body that are moving. Try to note all the different limbs and muscles moving slowly if you can.

    4. Next, gently bring your attention to the sounds around you. Focus on these sounds for a good while. What can you hear?

    5. When your mind gets distracted, just bring it back to focus again on the present moment and focus again on the sounds around you. Let your mind be kind, as you do this practice.

    6. Every once in a while, just stop and remain still -and just observe that stillness, no judgement. Take 4-5 deep and slow breaths out again. Then, bring your focus onto your belly moving as you stand/sit still and just breathe. Just observe that movement of your belly for a good while.

    7. Slowly begin to move forward again and repeat all these steps again as much as you like.

  • Remember, be slow and gentle with yourself.
  • Be kind with your mind –be kind and gentle in your thoughts to yourself.
  • Use this practise in non-crowded and quiet places to practise some mindfulness.
  • The more you practise mindful walking /wheeling you can use it whenever or wherever you need to. It can be a very useful mindfulness exercise to use in our day to create some quiet, calm and some space in our head.
  • Good work and keep practising
  • Now focus on your breath.
  • Take some more deep breaths out if you can. Nice and slow.
  • Can you notice your belly move when you breathe?
  • How about your shoulders?
  • Can you hear the sound of your breath at all?
  • Just slowly, what sounds can you hear in the room? Just notice.
  • Now open your eyes and return to the room.
  • What did you notice in this practice?


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