Table of Contents
Cover Welcome Module 1Beginning our skills in mindfulness What do you learn in this module? Helpful Hints Video-Meet Jared to see how he is using mindfulness Reflection activity Take a break with the 3B's: Body, Breath, Begin True or false-Activity Mindfulness on the go Next steps Module 2Using our senses in mindfulness Module 3Developing Attention and Focus in mindfulness Module 4Noticing the highs and taking in the good Module 5Being gentle with yourself Module 6Developing and increasing self-care Summary Taking your mindfulness practice further How to know if mindfulness is of benefit
Take a break with the 3'Bs:Body, Breathe, Begin
Take a break with the 3'Bs: Body, Breathe, Begin

"Click to hear narrated version of this page"

Before starting this audio meditation practice:

1. Get yourself in a comfortable position (preferably sitting if possible).

2. Sit upright in a relaxed but comfortable position; with your back supported if you can.

3. Make sure you won't be disturbed or distracted (sorry-that means silencing your phone for the next 10 minutes I'm afraid).

4. Take 3 or 4 nice long deep breaths out if you can, nice and slowly.

5. Close your eyes if you wish -or just half shut your eyes and look down in front of you, if you prefer.

6. Press play when you're ready.

Taking a short break and noticing your senses, thoughts and emotions from time to time during the day is a useful habit to do.

Focusing on your breath and breathing slowly and deeply has a calming effect on our brains and nervous system. Research shows that it also starts to calm our minds, slow our heart rate down and lower stress hormones in our bodies.

Taking a break with the three B’s (Body, Breathe, Begin) exercise also helps us better notice and observe how we are feeling and what thoughts we are having. It helps us to ‘listen’ to what our body and mind are saying.

Doing this can also help us make better decisions in our day, as well as decide better actions and choices we want to make. It also teaches us to be kind, gentle and understanding with ourselves.

After listening to the 3 B's audio recording. Please take some time to think about what you noticed. You can use the activity sheet on the next page to make some notes.


Did you notice or sense your body making contact with anything? What else did you notice?


Were you able to notice your breath? What could you notice [the sound of it, the movement of your chest or something else?]. What else did you notice?


Begin to notice again. Is there anything you noticed, or something you have observed? Can you sense that you were in in the present moment? Be curious about what you are noticing- there's no wrong or right answer here.

After your mindfulness practice it is often helpful to write down what you noticed.

We'd encourage you to keep a notebook or even use an app on your phone to make notes.

What did you notice when you focused on :

1. Your body.

2. Your breath.

3. Beginning to opening your eyes and returning to your day.


My notes:



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